Friday, 11 May 2012

My Reflections!

April 30 2012, the April Blog Challenge came to an end.

My theme was Cambodia although I wont say it was an easy theme. I am happy to say that it was both enjoyable and it took me back down memory lane. Due to the different themes which were chosen not everyone would have managed to complete every letter  but we all gave it our best shot. Cambodia seemed to be the one thought that sprung to mind when I first signed up to the Challenge. Not sure what I was getting into I went along with the theme.

I enjoyed the researching of each letter, it certainly gave me something to get my head into and I met some of the most  delightful people at the same time. Which made it so much more worthwhile. Since the start I have covered everything from flying experiences to travelling in junks, visiting temples, finding information on birds, animal, fish and reptiles most of which turned out to be endangered or red listed.

I appreciate that Cambodia is not everyone's cup of tea. This has been a first time I have ever applied myself to writing regularly every day since I was at college. It has been very good for me, as like many of you, I am inclined to procrastinate. Whilst on the challenge I have worked my way through so much more than I would have done in a normal day. From here on in, I am hoping to write and post each day with new topics and planning each of my days as though the challenge is still running. I would certainly pick a theme again for 2013 if I am still around. There were some interesting story posts. which I thoroughly enjoyed reading

So let us all pop open a bottle of Champagne, Wine or Sparkling water and whatever your tipple and pour ourselves a glass of whatever appeals and let us raise our glasses.;-

To our Hosts
Thank them for making the April 2012 Blog Challenge so enjoyable, and thank them for all their hard work.
Let us also raise our glasses and thank every one who joined in for all of their support and guidance and Last but not least

"3 Cheers" to everyone including ourselves and a big pat on the back for all our hard work. 

Oh and before I go. 

Sorry I'm four days late but doc say's I will be in bed for at least another five days!! 


  1. To have attempted a feat is to have challenged ourselves. Congrats on finishing! Hope you feel better soon.

    Hope you'll drop by my blog when you can and I'll do the same.

    1. Thank you for you kind words. Congrats to you too!

      I will be dropping by without a doubt. Keep up your good work

      Cheers Jenni

  2. Stopping by to wish you a great week-end and to hand you an award ;)


    1. Hi Siv,

      Thanks for dropping by - nice to meet you! What kind of award would that be?

      Hope you have a lovely weekend too.

      Cheers Jenni x

  3. Congratulations, Jenni. Get well soon.

    1. Congratulations to you to Bob!

      Many thanks!


  4. Hi Jenni .. congratulations on finishing off your Cambodia posts - they were interesting to read .. and one day I'd love to visit ..

    Good luck and for now - I hope you feel better soon .. Cheers Hilary
