Thursday, 12 April 2012

K: Koh Kong

Koh Kong province is located in the south west from Phnom Penh. The coastline stretches approximately 273 km and consists of mountains and beaches with 20 outer islands. There are many other attractions including, forests, waterfalls and fishing.  Koh Kong, with its many tourist attractions seems to be the place to go on holidays and is well advertised.

However, my trip to Cambodia was somewhat different as my niece had decided we would backpack down to Tonle Bati, it was off the beaten track and we were to spend so many hours walking and some on the boat sailing down the river. On our arrival at Tonle Bati  we visited the two 12th century temples which were very close to the beautiful  Bati Lake. We didn't stay long but the beautiful lake was well worth seeing. Due to the huge amount of temples you reach a stage where you can end up feeling  templed out.

There were days when we did have some rough rides on the river but the view made it all the more worth while. The people were lovely and the children's happy little faces, shone like beacons, with their dark olive skin and bright white teeth.  At one point we came upon a young family with their three children. They were having tea and they were living in a dilapidated remains of a tin hut. Sitting on a cloth, on the earth floor. When we first arrived in Phnom Penh, we visited the market and as we walked along the road I recall seeing families sleeping on the street pavements, father, mother and children and babies lying flat out on the ground in the hot sun.

It opened my eyes and made me aware how fortunate life was for me.


  1. Thanks for taking us into Cambodia.

    Hope you’re enjoying the challenge so far!
    --Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  2. Yes I am enjoying the challenge thank you!

    Thanks for popping by again. "Drop in for coffee next time!"

  3. my mom lived in cambodia for awhile. its always good to realize just how lucky we are:)
    Happy A-Zing!
